How to Set Up and Manage Shadow Accounts

Creating a Shadow Account

Go here for Account Dashboard Overview information.

1. To create a shadow account, go to the Accounting Dashboard located at Finance-> Accounting-> Dashboard.

2. Find the account you would like to create a shadow account for and click the“New” link to the right of the number

Naming a Shadow Account

1. After a shadow account is created you can assign it a name by double clicking in the New Shadow Account field.

2. Name a PI for shadow accounts as needed. You can not change the PI on the parent account.

Note: Account names will sort in alphbetical order. You can also designate what Objects are allowablef or expenditure on shadow accounts; double click to modify.

3. Select a start and end date of shadow accounts as needed; double click in the Start and End fields. Parent account dates cannot be changed.

Transferring Funds to a Shadow Account

1. After your shadow account is created transfer funds from the parent account to the shadow account. Select the Transaction link.

2. The ‘Source’ should come from Parent account. Enter the account ‘Destination’ information including Fund Subfund and choose the shadow account from the ‘Account’ dropdown.

3. Enter the ‘Amount’ as a positive value (you cannot have a negative transfer), choose ‘Transfer’ from the ‘Type’ dropdown, in the ‘Memo’ field enter a description for the transfer.

4. Click the Submit button to complete this action.

Note: Transaction view in dashboard, use arrows to change the Source and Destination if necessary.

5. Here is a Successful transfer from Parent to Shadow Account.

Note: A Forecast will be added in the next section for anticipated revenue generated from enrollment for this account.