How To Forecast Travel, Business Center View

For Business Center Staff: Field Descriptions-CBS Purchasing Module for Travel Forecasting

Forms Menu, Purchasing, New Request View

To forecast travel expenses during the interim of the creation of a new Travel Authority module, business center employees can submit approved travel on the Purchase, New Request in the Forms menu. The Travel Specialist will copy/paste approved TA information into the request and submit it to the business center and process it like a purchase request. Fields used will only be the required (asterisk*) fields for this process-

Vendor Name*: This field is the name of the traveler. List Last Name, First Name – Travel Including the word “Travel” on this line will be in the CBS email notification received by the business center. “Travel” will let the other business center staff know that they do not need to process that purchase request unless they are covering the travel specialist’s duties.

Vendor Address*, City*, State*, Zip*: These fields are not necessary for the forecast of travel so place a period in each of the fields as needed. Department*: From the drop down list, choose the department the traveler is associated with.

Budget-Project*: Enter the budget-project; check the Split budgets checkbox to add additional budget-projects

Date Needed*: Enter the start date of the approved travel. Phone#* This field is required. Enter the traveler’s phone # for quick reference if needed.

Notes: This field is for additional information as needed. The travel specialist may opt to copy/paste the itinerary in this field for quick reference.

Catalog Number*: Enter “1”

Description*: Enter travel info. Example, “Travel to New York City, 5-15 to 5-23-15”, and/or copy/paste the purpose for the trip for searching purposes. (NOTE: If the travel is for a foreign trip indicate “Foreign Travel” in the description. This information will be used for department yearly reporting.)

Quantity*: Enter “1”

Unit*: Enter “trip”

Unit Price*: Enter the estimate provided on the approved TA.

Total*: This field will auto calculate.

Submit button: Press this button to submit the request to the business center Pending Purchase View. The travel specialist will go directly to the Pending Purchases View in Finance to complete the forecast process. Pending Purchase View, Finance Menu, Purchasing

Submitted By: This field has the name of business center travel specialist.

Submitted Date: This field is the date that the new purchase/travel request was submitted by the travel specialist. Date Needed: This field is the start date of the approved travel.

Vendor Name: This field is the name of the traveler, Last Name, First Name - Travel

Total: This field can be an estimated or actual total.

Requisition Number: This number is generated in CBS and is used as the Travel Authority number, formerly kept by departments in a separate system.

Status: This field indicates the status of the request.

#Details: This field allows the business center employee to view the purchase request record and “Accept” the purchase to process and forecast to the account. The visible columns can be changed by right clicking on the hashtag by #Details, select Save or Clear.

Purchase Request Record View


Prepared: This status returns the purchase request to the department Preparer that created the record, in this case the travel specialist in the business center.

Submitted: This is the status when the request is received at the business center.

Accepted: Forecasts to account at this status: This status can be selected by the business center travel specialist from the email notification from CBS or from the pending list of purchases to process.

Out for Signature: This field is not used for this process.

Processed: The business center travel specialist selects this status when they have completed the information required.

Deleted: This status will archive the request in the processed purchases view as “Deleted”. This will also destroy the forecast to the budget.

Purchase Type (Only the purchase type related to travel is included here)

Travel Authorization: Forecasts to account; approved travel to be forecasted to budget(s) until the travel module is created.

Reference Number: Enter the following information into this field:

TEV Number: Enter the Report ID for the TEV created in WSU eForms.

Requisition Number: This number is generated in CBS and is used as the approved travel authority number eliminating the need for an additional numbering system.

Requested By: This field indicates the names of the business center employee that submitted the request through the Forms/New Request; most likely the travel specialist.

Vendor Information: The traveler’s information entered by the travel specialist. Enter Last name, First name –Travel. The word Travel will alert BC purchasing staff that they do not need to process this request unless they are covering for the travel specialist.

Department: This field is the department the traveler is associated with. This field determines which business center the purchase request is submitted to for processing.

Class Number: This field is not used for this process.

Date Needed: This is the first date of travel as entered by the travel specialist.

Phone#: This field can be used to enter the traveler’s phone number for quick reference.

Notes: The travel specialist entered this information from the approved TA when submitting the request.

Catalog Number: This field was completed by the travel specialist when submitting the request.

Description: This field contains the travel city and dates and or the purchase of the trip from the approved TA and was completed by the travel specialist when submitting the request.

Quantity, Unit, Unit Price, Total*: This field was completed by the travel specialist when submitting the request.

Shipping, Tax, Total: This field was completed by the travel specialist when submitting the request.

Rebuild Forecasts: Select this button to make a change to a purchase record after it has been marked processed. The original forecast will be replaced with the new forecast. (The forecast will be recorded in the Account Activity in the Accounting Dashboard menu.)

Add File: Attach files as needed. It is not required to attach copies of the paperwork prepared by the business center in the CBS Purchase Module.

Add Split Budget: This field was completed by the travel specialist when submitting the request. (Note: If the line item total/unit prices is updated by the business center employee, the split budgets totals will also need to be updated. These fields do not auto update based on the total of the line items.)

Add Memo: This field is for the business center travel specialist to log additional information about the purchase as needed.