Annual Review - Export Unit Worksheets - Department View

Annual Review - Export Unit Worksheets

1. Log into CBS using your NetID and Password at

2. Click on the Personnel Module option

  • Then Annual Review
  • Then Departments
  • Click Departments
  • Only Departments that you have access to will show here. (If you are missing departments that you should have access to please submit a request through the 'Report a Bug' feature under the 'Help' module. Let us know what departments you can see and those departments that you need access to.)

3. Select which employee type you would like to generate forms or enter scores for:

  • Tenure Track
  • Non-tenure Faculty
  • Exempt

All employees with your department as the appointing department and paid as of the 2nd half of December should appear.

4. You may use the column headers (Title, Degree, Degree Year, etc.) and open text fields to sort your employees.

* See the list below for other sorting options
  • Substring, e.g. ‘bill’ would return any row where 'bill' appeared in that field
  • Numeric Inequalities, e.g. >100
  • Numeric Range, e.g. 50-100
  • Date Inequality, e.g. >1/1/204
  • Date Range, e.g. 1/1/2013-12/31/2013
  • Boolean Not, e.g. !10 or !bob will return results that don't match 10 or bob
  • Delimited Search, e.g. 3;30;41 would return all rows matching 3 OR 30 OR 41
  • Delimited Not, e.g. !3;!30 would return everything but rows with 3 and 30 in that field.
  • Sort: click on the column header to sort, or shift + click for multi-column sort

5. To generate an Excel Spreadsheet of the of the employees your see on your screen and merit score. Click the # to the left of “First” name column header to view your options. Click “Export” if you would like to create an Excel spreadsheet of employees currently showing on your screen. You can save or print this file to use as you wish.

6. To generate Forms, go to the lower left of the screen and select 'Word - Zip Archive' and 'Visible' and then click Export. The documents that will be downloaded will only contain Coversheets and Forms for the employee type that was selected on the 'Department' screen.

7.       When prompted, click Save As to save the file then select a place to save it.

8.       To work with the documents in the zipped file, you must first extract them. Go to where you saved the zipped file, right click on the file name, select Extract All.

9.       When prompted, choose a location in which to place the extracted files and click Extract. Go to an extracted file and double click to open, as you would any file.

Annual Review - Enter Merit Ratings

1.       At the bottom of the Unit and Dean columns are Sample Mean and Sample Standard Deviation displays.

2.       You can view σ = Population Standard Deviation at the top left under the First name field. Click “Plot” for a graphical representation.

3.       Enter 2015 ratings by clicking in the Unit number field and typing in the rating. The rating will automatically save unless an error shows on your screen.