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How To Troubleshoot CBS Log In Issues

Unified Log In Screen Error


You see this error on the Unified Sign In Screen. “Incorrect User ID or Password. Please try again.”


Your regular WSU userid and password is used to log into CBS. Check your caps lock, num lock, etc. and try again with your standard WSU NetID and password.


Didn't Now What?:


Email cwr.support@wsu.edu with a specific description of the issue.


"Uh oh, something went wrong" Error


You are logged into CBS and try to click on a module or report and receive this error: “Uh oh, something went wrong... It seems like specific error message here”…


•       Logout and log back into the intranet.

•       If the error you are having has to deal with permissions or logging in then try clearing your browsers cache and restart your browser.

•       Check if any of your coworkers are experiencing the same error, because it might be a widespread issue.

Didn't Work:

If the problem still persists then head over to our bug tracking system and: 1.       Leave a detailed report of your problem

2.       Include a copy of the error message and the time it was received

3.       Explain what you were doing at the time of the error

4.       Also include any steps that we might need to reproduce the error