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Field Descriptions of the CBS Purchasing Module for Business Center Processing

Pending Purchase View

Submitted By: This field has the name of the last person that prepared and/or approved the purchase request.

Submitted Date: This field is the date that the purchase request was submitted.

Date Needed: This field is the date the purchase is to be received by the person requesting the purchase.

Vendor Name: This field is the name of the vendor.

Total: This field can be an estimated or actual total.

Requisition Number: This number is generated in CBS and is used as a department requisition number, formerly kept by departments in a separate system, and can be used as the invoice number when posting vendor IRIs in the AIS SCBAIMS system.

Status: This field indicates the status of the request.

#Details: This field allows the business center employee to view the purchase request record and accept the purchase to process and forecast to the account. You can also change the columns visible to you by right clicking on the hashtag by #Details. Click the column headers you want to view. To save columns in view by left clicking on the # hashtag.

Purchase Request Record View


Prepared: This status returns the purchase request to the department Preparer that created the record. Note: If you select this Status you will need to email via “Add Memo”, “Save”, “Send” your memo to the Preparer because the system does not notify them that the purchase request has been returned to them. It is recommended that you call the Preparer as well and let them know what you need to have the request resubmitted to process their request.

Submitted: This is the status when the request is received at the business center. At this status the Preparer can modify the record until the “Accept” status link in the CBS email notification or in the Pending Purchase view is selected by a business center employee. “Accept” is also listed under “#Details” in the Pending Purchase view or if the business center employee is viewing a record and changes the status to “Accepted”.

Accepted: Forecasts to account at this status: This status can be selected by the business center from the email notification from CBS or from the pending list of purchases to process. Accepted status locks the purchase request so the original department employee cannot modify the record and the request will forecast to the account at this time. The business center processes the request and updates the status as needed. (Note: If a Purchase Type is selected that should not forecast like pCard, Blanket pCard or Department Order/KOrder then the forecast will be destroyed at that time.)

Out for Signature: This status will keep the purchase request in the pending purchases view for follow- up until the signed document is returned for final processing.

Processed: The business center employee selects this status when the order has been placed successfully. Deleted: This status will archive the request in the processed purchases view as deleted.

Purchase Type IRI: Forecasts to account; University departments use the Interdepartmental Requisition and Invoice (IRI) form to requisition supplies and services provided by WSU vendor departments. BPPM 70.05

Invoice Voucher: Forecasts to account; Washington Invoice Voucher used for reimbursement to individuals and vendors. BPPM 30.55.1 Dept. Req: Forecasts to account; Department Requisition- Departments use Departmental Requisitions to request that Purchasing Services initiate purchases of goods and services. BPPM 70.10

Purchase Order: Does not forecast to account, AIS automatic forecast (or encumbrance, ENC) will show on account the next business day; Departmental personnel may use a Department Order (DO) or (KOrder) to make simple purchases of goods and services. The Department Order process generates an encumbrance against the supporting account. BPPM 70.07

Purchase Card: Does not forecast to account, pCards post 1-2 days from the time the purchase is reconciled in Paymentnet. WSU Purchasing Card Program, which provides the convenience of credit card purchasing for departmental-level purchases. BPPM 70.08

Travel Authorization: Forecasts to account; approved travel to be encumbered in the purchase module until the travel module is created. Blanket: Forecasts to account if a blanket invoice is entered into CBS Purchase Module; see Blanket pCard option. A blanket authorization provides a limited direct authority to purchase goods and/or services from one or more vendors. A blanket authorization is established for a specific period of time. NOTE: When appropriate and allowable, Purchasing Services encourages departments to use departmental purchasing cards, rather than blanket authorizations, to purchase goods and services from external vendors. Purchasing card use increases the efficiency, accountability, and tracking of transactions. BPPM 70.19, 70.08.Blanket pCard: Does not forecast to account, pCards post 1-2 days from the time the purchase is reconciled in Paymentnet. Use this type when a blanket invoice has been entered into CBS and instead of sending the invoice to the Accounts Payable office the business center will pay the invoice using the most efficient method; via the pCard. BPPM 70.08, 70.19.

Generate Form (link): Select this link for IRI, Invoice Voucher, or Dept. Requisition purchase types. A pdf with the information from the purchase request screen will autofill the form (budget-project, department name, purchase type, requisition number, date, and description). You can add information to the form and print, however manually entered information will not be saved unless you save the form as a pdf on your computer and attach it to the purchase request in CBS for future reference if needed. Save Form (link): Select this link to name and automatically attach the file to the purchase request record. Note: If you add information to the form it will not show on the form using this method. See above to save manual updates to the form.

Reference Number: Enter the following information into this field:

  • Blanket Number: Enter BA and number
  • Dept. Req.-Department Requisition: Enter the F number generated by the Purchasing Office.
  • Contract Number: Enter the C and number
  • IRI: Leave Blank, the Requisition Number is this purchase type reference number
  • Pcard Suffix: Last 5 digits of the purchase card used
  • Purchase Order (KOrder, Department Order): Enter the K number generated in the AIS PAPR system
  • TA Number: Requisition Number created by CBS, see Requisition Number field below.
  • TEV Number: Enter the Report ID for the TEV created in WSU eForms.

Requisition Number: This number is generated in CBS and is used as a department requisition number, formerly kept by departments in a separate system, and can be used as the invoice number when posting vendor IRIs in the AIS SCBAIMS system and Travel Authorities. Requested By: This field will show the names of the Preparer and Approvers of the purchase request prior to being submitted to the business center. Vendor Information: The vendor name, address, city, state and zip code are required information for the Preparer to submit a purchase request to the business center. If additional information is required to complete the purchase it is recommended to use the “Add Memo” feature. (See below). Department: This field is the department the Preparer is associated with. This field determines which business center the purchase request is submitted to for processing. Class Number: This field is used to indicate college courses for expense reporting purposes. Date Needed: This field auto fills. The Preparer may change the date as needed when they are entering the purchase request. The business center considers this date to be the date the purchased materials are to be received by the Preparer. Phone #: This field is required. Notes: This field is useful for the Preparer. The business center employee can copy/paste appropriate information into the purchase paperwork to be processed. This field does not auto fill the purchase paperwork. Remember to SAVE the form if you have made manual changes like copy/pasted notes. (The SAVE Form link will not save this information.) Catalog Number: This field is a required field however N/A may be entered. Description: This field is required however the Preparer can refer to a quote file that is attached to the purchase request instead of typing in the information again. If you are processing a Blanket Invoice enter the Invoice Number in this field. Quantity, Unit, Unit Price, Total: These fields will calculate each item. Shipping, Tax, Total: Shipping and Tax are not calculated fields and the Preparer can choose to leave the fields blank. The Total field is a calculated field. Rebuild Forecast: Select this button when you make a change to a purchase record after it has been marked processed. The original forecast will be replaced with the new forecast. Add File: The business center can attach files as needed. It is not required to attach copies of the paperwork prepared by the business center in the CBS Purchase Module. Add Split Budget: The business center employee can add additional lines of budget coding as needed for the purchase. The Preparer can also enter additional lines of budget coding when they submit their request. (Note: If the total is updated by the business center employee the split budgets totals will also need to be updated. These fields do not auto update based on the total of the line items.) Add Memo: This field is used by the business center employee to record additional information about the purchase as needed. The memo will record the users name and time and date. Select Add Memo, type the memo and then select to Save the memo. This field can also be used to correspond with those individuals listed in the document history by selecting the Send button. History: The history tracks all activity for the purchase request.