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How to Change your CBS View Preferences (Interface)

CBS Interface Features

You will notice that most modules and reports appear similar to an excel spreadsheet with columns and rows. Beneath each column header (ex: First, Last, WSUID, Home, Type, etc.) you will see a blank field. This field is where you will enter your filter command or number/text to sort the data in that column. To customize your view of the interface for that particular report or form, you can: •       Move column headers to new locations in the column header line (click and drag) •       Hide or show columns (Right click on the column header line and select/deselect from the list) •       Order the data in the column alphabetically or numerically (click the column header) •       Save your preferred view so that each time you access that report, it will be arranged how you last saved it (click # then Save) •       Clear preferences you have previously saved (click # then Clear then refresh your page) The # sign appears next to a column header on each report. The # is an indicator to the user that additional functions can be accessed by clicking it. Upon clicking, a menu will appear that contains options pertaining to the particular report you are currently in. For example, the email list report # gives you a mailing option in addition to the more standard options. Standard options for the # are Save, Clear and Export. •       “Save” saves the particular interface preferences that you have made so that each time you log into that report, it will be arranged how you last saved it. •       “Clear” clears your previously saved view preference for that report. To see the newly cleared view, you must refresh the page. •       “Export” allows you to export data from the report into an excel spreadsheet for saving, further sorting, reviewing, etc.