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Intranet Common Errors

Common Errors and What They Mean

It's an unfortunate reality that no matter how carefully we design and implement our software systems that we will inevitably run into errors. With that in mind this page contains a listing of common error messages, what they mean, and some ideas as to why they happened.

Common Errors

Message: You were not successfully authenticated.

Meaning: This error is a catch all message delivered to users when something goes wrong during the logon process. Most of the time this error occurs when you don't have access to the page you are trying to open, so a quick remedy would be to make sure that you are accessing the correct URL.

Additionally this message can occur when something goes wrong with the Single Sign On interface or with the message passing between services. If you find that you are still receiving this error message even though you know you have access to the page you are opening you should try to logout and then clear your browsers cookies, because the cookies created by the Single Sign On service can become corrupted and prevent properly accessing the site.